#include #include #include #include #define DEBOUNCE_COUNT 100 #define BOMB_COUNTDOWN_TIME 65 unsigned char displaydata[8] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '}, adress; uint8_t debounce[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //input debounce uint8_t debounced = 0; void display_time(int time); void display_clear(void); void display_update(void); void display_send_one(uint8_t address, unsigned char data); void shift_send(unsigned char data); void mp3_play(uint8_t mp3file); void timer_start(void); void timer_speed_up(void); void timer_pause(void); void motor_step_forward(void); void motor_step_back(void); uint8_t radio_signal(void); enum{ BOMB_DISARMED, BOMB_ARMED, BOMB_DEFUSED, BOMB_EXPLODED } bombState; //functions for updating the bomb in a given state void bomb_logic_disarmed(void); void bomb_logic_armed(void); // <-- this will be unique for each bomb void bomb_logic_defused(void); void bomb_logic_exploded(void); //functions for ENTERING a state void bomb_logic_disarm(void); void bomb_logic_arm(void); void bomb_logic_defuse(void); void bomb_logic_explode(void); //return_data_type function(input_data_type input_variable_local_name) //void display_send_one(unsigned char data); //PORTD |= 1<<0; //(set D.0) Shifts a one zero steps left //PORTD &= ~(1<<0); //(reset D.0) Creates a byte consisting of ones, shifts a zero 0 steps left void display_send_one(uint8_t address, unsigned char data) //Send the character 'data' to the display position defined in 'adress' { address = 7-address; PORTD &= 0b10000000; //Clear all data pins PORTA &= 0b11111100; //Clear address PORTA |= (address & 0b00000011); //set address PORTD |= (data & 0b01111111); //Set the 7 bit ASCII output for one character _delay_us(5); if (address & 0b0000100) { PORTA &= 0b11111011; //Clock the write pin _delay_us(5); PORTA |= 0b00000100; } else { PORTA &= 0b11110111; //Clock the write pin _delay_us(5); PORTA |= 0b00001000; } _delay_us(5); } void display_update(void) //Send the array displaydata to the display, setting the adress variable to the correct value for each char. { for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) { display_send_one(i, displaydata[i]); } } void mp3_play(uint8_t mp3file) { mp3file &= 0b00000111; DDRB |= mp3file; _delay_ms(40); DDRB &=0b11111000; } void display_clear(void){ displaydata[0] = ' '; displaydata[1] = ' '; displaydata[2] = ' '; displaydata[3] = ' '; displaydata[4] = ' '; displaydata[5] = ' '; displaydata[6] = ' '; displaydata[7] = ' '; display_update(); } void display_time(int time) //displays the 'time' given in seconds as MM:SS on the LCD { uint8_t current_digit = 0; //static part of display displaydata[0] = ' '; displaydata[4] = ':'; displaydata[7] = ' '; //limit to 60:00 if(time > 3600){ time = 3600; } //'-' sign for negative time? if(time < 0){ time *= -1; displaydata[1] = '-'; }else{ displaydata[1] = ' '; } //rest of the time current_digit = 0; while(time>=600){ //tens of minutes current_digit += 1; time -= 600; } displaydata[2] = current_digit + '0'; current_digit = 0; while(time>=60){ //minutes current_digit += 1; time -= 60; } displaydata[3] = current_digit + '0'; current_digit = 0; while(time>=10){ //tens of seconds current_digit += 1; time -= 10; } displaydata[5] = current_digit + '0'; displaydata[6] = time + '0'; display_update(); } void timer_start(void){ //Set up Timer1 TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10) | (1 << CS12) | (1 << WGM12); //prescaler 1024 TCNT1 = 0; //zero out timer //TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); //enable output compare A OCR1A = 4040; //output compare A will trigger at approx 1Hz. Callibrated at 5V TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); } void timer_speed_up(void){ TCNT1 = 1700; //set a timer a safe distance away from the trigger point. OCR1A = 2020; //output compare A will triger at approx 2Hz. Callibrated at 5V } void timer_pause(void){ TCCR1B = 0; //stop timer } void motor_step_forward(void){ PORTD &= 0xF0; //PRE-enable zero PORTB &= 0b01111111; //enable motor drive PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00000001; _delay_us(2000); PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00000100; _delay_us(2000); PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00000010; _delay_us(2000); PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00001000; _delay_us(2000); PORTB |= 0b10000000; //disable motor drive } void motor_step_back(void){ PORTD &= 0xF0; //PRE-enable zero PORTB &= 0b01111111; //enable motor drive PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00001000; _delay_us(2000); PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00000010; _delay_us(2000); PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00000100; _delay_us(2000); PORTD &= 0xF0; _delay_us(50); PORTD |= 0b00000001; _delay_us(2000); PORTB |= 0b10000000; //disable motor drive } uint8_t radio_signal(void){ return (PINB & 0b01000000); } //BOMB LOGIC int16_t countdown = 65; uint8_t armed = 0; int main(void) { DDRA = 0b00001111; DDRB = 0b10000000; DDRC = 0b10111111; DDRD = 0b11111111; /* D0-D6 data D7 CU A0-A1 adress A2 /Write0 A3 /Write1 D0-D3 doubles as motor drive pins C0-C5 inputs, C7 input/button B0, B1, B2 MP3 playback triggers B3 spare MP3 trigger B4-B5 NMOS outputs B6 Radio remote input B7 enable motor drive */ PORTA |= 0b00000110; PORTB = 0b10000000; PORTC = 0b10111111; PORTD = 0; _delay_us(500); PORTA &= 0b11111011; //Clock the write pin _delay_us(500); PORTA |= 0b00000100; _delay_us(500); PORTA &= 0b11110111; //Clock the write pin _delay_us(500); PORTA |= 0b00001000; _delay_us(500); PORTD |= 0b10000000; timer_start(); display_clear(); sei(); //interrupts enable! while(1) { if(radio_signal()){ if(bombState == BOMB_DISARMED){bomb_logic_arm();} }else{ if(bombState != BOMB_DISARMED){bomb_logic_disarm();} } //input debouncing for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ if(PINC & 1< 0){ debounce[i]-=1; } } if(debounce[i] == DEBOUNCE_COUNT){ debounced |= 1<> i & 0x01){ displaydata[i] += 32; } } display_update(); } void bomb_logic_arm(void){ bombState = BOMB_ARMED; countdown = BOMB_COUNTDOWN_TIME; display_time(countdown); mp3_play(1); timer_start(); } void bomb_logic_armed(void){ if(countdown == 0){ bomb_logic_explode(); } if(debounced & 0b10000000){ bomb_logic_defuse(); } if(debounced & 0b00100000){ bomb_logic_explode(); } } void bomb_logic_defuse(void){ bombState = BOMB_DEFUSED; timer_pause(); displaydata[1] = '['; displaydata[7] = ']'; display_update(); } void bomb_logic_defused(void){ //not much to do here } void bomb_logic_explode(void){ bombState = BOMB_EXPLODED; timer_pause(); mp3_play(2); displaydata[0] = ' '; displaydata[1] = ' '; displaydata[2] = 'B'; displaydata[3] = 'O'; displaydata[4] = 'O'; displaydata[5] = 'M'; displaydata[6] = ' '; displaydata[7] = ' '; display_update(); } void bomb_logic_exploded(void){ //BOOM animation. //Because of rand(), this takes a LOT of FLASH MEMORY //Remove if in need of more PROGRAM space for(int i=2; i<6; i++){ if(rand() > 0x3FFF){ displaydata[i] |= 0b00100000; }else{ displaydata[i] &= 0b11011111; } } display_update(); _delay_ms(100); //not much to do here //maybe blink an LED or something } uint8_t half_second = 0; ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect){ half_second ^= 0x01; //will be true every other half-second if(half_second){ if(countdown>0){countdown -= 1;} display_time(countdown); if(countdown < 10){mp3_play(1);} }else{ display_send_one(4, ' '); } }