# How to add your SSH keys to Git-Auto-Deploy 1. Copy your ssh keys from your account to /etc/git-auto-deploy/.ssh/ ```cp -R ~/.ssh /etc/git-auto-deploy/``` 2. Add gitlab, github or your hostname to the known_hosts file, eg. ```ssh-keyscan -t rsa gitlab.com >> /etc/git-auto-deploy/.ssh/known_hosts``` 3. Add read and write permissions to /etc/git-auto-deploy ``` chown -R git-auto-deploy:git-auto-deploy /etc/git-auto-deploy chmod -R 700 /etc/git-auto-deploy/.ssh/* ``` 4. Add write permissions to your repository path ```chown -R git-auto-deploy:git-auto-deploy /home/myrepo``` Make sure you use your ssh url in your config.