from __future__ import absolute_import from .events import WebhookAction from .parsers import get_service_handler def WebhookRequestHandlerFactory(config, event_store, server_status, is_https=False): """Factory method for webhook request handler class""" try: from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler except ImportError as e: from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler class WebhookRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, object): """Extends the BaseHTTPRequestHandler class and handles the incoming HTTP requests.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._config = config self._event_store = event_store self._server_status = server_status self._is_https = is_https super(WebhookRequestHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def end_headers(self): self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.end_headers(self) def do_HEAD(self): # Web UI needs to be enabled if not self.validate_web_ui_enabled(): return # Web UI might require HTTPS if not self.validate_web_ui_https(): return # Client needs to be whitelisted if not self.validate_web_ui_whitelist(): return # Client needs to authenticate if not self.validate_web_ui_basic_auth(): return return SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_HEAD(self) def do_GET(self): # Web UI needs to be enabled if not self.validate_web_ui_enabled(): return # Web UI might require HTTPS if not self.validate_web_ui_https(): return # Client needs to be whitelisted if not self.validate_web_ui_whitelist(): return # Client needs to authenticate if not self.validate_web_ui_basic_auth(): return # Handle status API call if self.path == "/api/status": self.handle_status_api() return # Serve static file return SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self) def handle_status_api(self): import json from os import urandom from base64 import b64encode data = { 'events': self._event_store.dict_repr(), 'auth-key': self._server_status['auth-key'] } data.update(self.get_server_status()) self.send_response(200, 'OK') self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')) def do_POST(self): """Invoked on incoming POST requests""" from threading import Timer import logging import json import threading from urlparse import parse_qs logger = logging.getLogger() content_length = int(self.headers.get('content-length')) request_body ='utf-8') # Extract request headers and make all keys to lowercase (makes them easier to compare) request_headers = dict(self.headers) request_headers = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in request_headers.items()) action = WebhookAction(self.client_address, request_headers, request_body) self._event_store.register_action(action) action.set_waiting(True) action.log_info('Incoming request from %s:%s' % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1])) # Payloads from GitHub can be delivered as form data. Test the request for this pattern and extract json payload if request_headers['content-type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': res = parse_qs(request_body.decode('utf-8')) if 'payload' in res and len(res['payload']) == 1: request_body = res['payload'][0] # Test case debug data test_case = { 'headers': dict(self.headers), 'payload': json.loads(request_body), 'config': {}, 'expected': {'status': 200, 'data': [{'deploy': 0}]} } try: # Will raise a ValueError exception if it fails ServiceRequestHandler = get_service_handler(request_headers, request_body, action) # Unable to identify the source of the request if not ServiceRequestHandler: self.send_error(400, 'Unrecognized service') test_case['expected']['status'] = 400 action.log_error("Unable to find appropriate handler for request. The source service is not supported") action.set_waiting(False) action.set_success(False) return service_handler = ServiceRequestHandler(self._config) action.log_info("Handling the request with %s" % ServiceRequestHandler.__name__) # Could be GitHubParser, GitLabParser or other projects = service_handler.get_matching_projects(request_headers, request_body, action) action.log_info("%s candidates matches the request" % len(projects)) # request_filter = WebhookRequestFilter() if len(projects) == 0: self.send_error(400, 'Bad request') test_case['expected']['status'] = 400 action.log_error("No matching projects") action.set_waiting(False) action.set_success(False) return # Apply filters matching_projects = [] for project in projects: if project.apply_filters(request_headers, request_body, action): matching_projects.append(project) # Only keep projects that matches projects = matching_projects action.log_info("%s candidates matches after applying filters" % len(projects)) if not service_handler.validate_request(request_headers, request_body, projects, action): self.send_error(400, 'Bad request') test_case['expected']['status'] = 400 action.log_warning("Request was rejected due to a secret token mismatch") action.set_waiting(False) action.set_success(False) return test_case['expected']['status'] = 200 self.send_response(200, 'OK') self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() if len(projects) == 0: action.set_waiting(False) action.set_success(False) return action.log_info("Proceeding with %s candidates" % len(projects)) action.set_waiting(False) action.set_success(True) for project in projects: # Schedule the execution of the webhook (git pull and trigger deploy etc) thread = threading.Thread(target=project.execute_webhook, args=[self._event_store]) thread.start() # Add additional test case data test_case['config'] = { 'url': 'url' in project and project['url'], 'branch': 'branch' in project and project['branch'], 'remote': 'remote' in project and project['remote'], 'deploy': 'echo test!' } except ValueError as e: self.send_error(400, 'Unprocessable request') action.log_warning('Unable to process incoming request from %s:%s' % (self.client_address[0], self.client_address[1])) test_case['expected']['status'] = 400 action.set_waiting(False) action.set_success(False) return except Exception as e: self.send_error(500, 'Unable to process request') test_case['expected']['status'] = 500 action.log_warning("Unable to process request") action.set_waiting(False) action.set_success(False) raise e finally: # Save the request as a test case if 'log-test-case' in self._config and self._config['log-test-case']: self.save_test_case(test_case) def log_message(self, format, *args): """Overloads the default message logging method to allow messages to go through our custom logger instead.""" import logging logger = logging.getLogger()"%s - %s" % (self.client_address[0], format%args)) def save_test_case(self, test_case): """Log request information in a way it can be used as a test case.""" import time import json import os # Mask some header values masked_headers = ['x-github-delivery', 'x-hub-signature'] for key in test_case['headers']: if key in masked_headers: test_case['headers'][key] = 'xxx' target = '' % (self.client_address[0], time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) if 'log-test-case-dir' in self._config and self._config['log-test-case-dir']: target = os.path.join(self._config['log-test-case-dir'], target) file = open(target, 'w') file.write(json.dumps(test_case, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) file.close() def get_server_status(self): """Generate a copy of the server status object that contains the public IP or hostname.""" server_status = {} for item in self._server_status.items(): key, value = item public_host = self.headers.get('host').split(':')[0] if key == 'http-uri': server_status[key] = value.replace(self._config['http-host'], public_host) if key == 'https-uri': server_status[key] = value.replace(self._config['https-host'], public_host) if key == 'wss-uri': server_status[key] = value.replace(self._config['wss-host'], public_host) return server_status def validate_web_ui_enabled(self): """Verify that the Web UI is enabled""" if self._config['web-ui-enabled']: return True self.send_error(403, "Web UI is not enabled") return False def validate_web_ui_https(self): """Verify that the request is made over HTTPS""" if self._is_https: return True if not self._config['web-ui-require-https']: return True # Attempt to redirect the request to HTTPS server_status = self.get_server_status() if 'https-uri' in server_status: self.send_response(307) self.send_header('Location', '%s%s' % (server_status['https-uri'], self.path)) self.end_headers() return False self.send_error(403, "Web UI is only accessible through HTTPS") return False def validate_web_ui_whitelist(self): """Verify that the client address is whitelisted""" # Allow all if whitelist is empty if len(self._config['web-ui-whitelist']) == 0: return True # Verify that client IP is whitelisted if self.client_address[0] in self._config['web-ui-whitelist']: return True self.send_error(403, "%s is not allowed access" % self.client_address[0]) return False def validate_web_ui_basic_auth(self): """Authenticate the user""" import base64 if not self._config['web-ui-auth-enabled']: return True # Verify that a username and password is specified in the config if self._config['web-ui-username'] is None or self._config['web-ui-password'] is None: self.send_error(403, "Authentication credentials missing in config") return False # Verify that the provided username and password matches the ones in the config key = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (self._config['web-ui-username'], self._config['web-ui-password'])) if self.headers.getheader('Authorization') == 'Basic ' + key: return True # Let the client know that authentication is required self.send_response(401) self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm=\"GAD\"') self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write('Not authenticated') return False return WebhookRequestHandler