var active_timer = 100; var calculation = 0; function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } function init_edit(partID) { $('table#details tr#type td p').hide(); $('#type-dropdown').show(); $('table#details tr#partno td p').hide(); $('input[name=partno-input]').show(); // $('#magical_autofill').show(); $('table#details tr#description td p').hide(); $('input[name=description-input]').show(); $('table#details tr#datasheet td input').closest().show(); $('table#details tr#datasheet td input').show(); $('#duplicate-button').closest('div').hide(); $('#delete-button').closest('div').hide(); $('tr#datasheet').show(); $('input[name=notes-input]').show(); $('table#details tr#notes td p').hide(); $('input[name=voltage-input]').show(); $('table#details tr#voltage td p').hide(); $('input[name=current-input]').show(); $('table#details tr#current td p').hide(); $('input[name=sleepcurrent-input]').show(); $('table#details tr#sleepcurrent td p').hide(); $('input[name=txrx-input]').show(); $('input[name=txrx-head]').show(); $('table#details tr#txrx td p').hide(); // var newButton = '
'; // $('.round-button-left').replaceWith(newButton); $('#edit-button').html(''); $('#edit-button').off('click').on('click', function(){ save(partID); }); } function new_entry() { $('table#details tr#type td p').text(''); $('table#details tr#partno td p').text(''); $('table#details tr#description td p').text(''); $('table#details tr#partno td input').val(''); $('table#details tr#description td input').val(''); $('input[name=datasheet-url-input]').val(''); container_onchange(); init_edit(-1); overlay_in(); } function calculate() { calculateoverlay_in(); } function end_edit() { $('table#details tr#type td p').text($('table#details tr#type td select option:checked').text()); $('table#details tr#type td p').show(); $('#type-dropdown').hide(); $('table#details tr#partno td p').text($('table#details tr#partno td input').val()); $('table#details tr#partno td p').show(); $('table#details tr#partno td input').hide(); // $('#magical_autofill').hide(); $('table#details tr#description td p').text($('table#details tr#description td input').val()); $('table#details tr#description td p').show(); $('table#details tr#description td input').hide(); $('tr#datasheet').hide(); $('input[name=notes-input]').hide(); $('table#details tr#notes td p').show(); $('#duplicate-button').closest('div').show(); $('#delete-button').closest('div').show(); $('#edit-button').html(''); // var newButton = ' '; // $('.round-button-left').replaceWith(newButton); } function save(partID) { if (!$('#type-dropdown').val()) { alert('Please select a component type.'); return; } var type_id_v = $('type-dropdown').val(); var partno_v = $('input[name=partno-input]').val(); var description_v = $('input[name=description-input]').val(); var datasheet = $('table#details tr#datasheet td input')[0].files; var datasheet_url_v = $('input[name=datasheet-url-input]').val(); var notes_v = $('input[name=notes-input]').val(); var total = []; var mapped = {}; $('.parameter-content').find('input').each(function(index,elem){ //8 console.log(elem.value); total.push(elem.value); mapped[] = elem.value; }); console.log(mapped); if(partno_v.length == 0){ alert('Please enter a part number.'); return; } if(description_v.length > 200) { alert('Description too long (max 200 characters).'); return; } if(description_v.length == 0) { alert('Please enter a description.'); return; } var data = new FormData(); if (datasheet.length == 1) { if(! datasheet[0]['name'].match(/^[\w\-]+\.pdf$/g)) { alert('Invalid filename. Please match /^[\w\-]+\.pdf$/g'); return; } if (datasheet[0]['size'] > 20 * 1000000) { alert('File too large. Must be < 20MB.'); return; } data.append('datasheet-file', datasheet[0]); } else if (datasheet_url_v.length > 0) { data.append('datasheet-url', datasheet_url_v); } data.append('partno', partno_v); data.append('type_id', type_id_v); data.append('description', description_v); data.append('notes', notes_v); data.append('parameters', mapped); $.ajax({ // Your server script to process the upload url: rootURL + 'alter/' + partID, type: 'POST', data: data, // Tell jQuery not to process data or worry about content-type // You *must* include these options! cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(data) { var datasheet_par = ''; $('#datasheet-info').replaceWith(datasheet_par); // Fix addressing $('#edit-button').click(function() { init_edit(JSON.parse(data).part_id); }); }, error: function() { alert("Couldn't update the part information. Please retry."); } }); end_edit(); perform_query(); } function text_filter(string) { if (string != null) return string; else return ''; } function delete_entry(partID) { if (partID < 0) return; if (!confirm('Delete the selected entry?')) return; $.ajax({ url: rootURL + 'delete/' + partID, type: 'GET', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function() { overlay_out(); perform_query(); }, fail: function() { console.log('An error occurred while deleting the entry'); }, }); } function calculate_entry(partID,parameters) { if (partID < 0) return; if (!confirm('Add selected entry to calculation?')) return; console.log(parameters); if(parameters != null) { var jsonParameters = JSON.parse(data.parameters); console.log(jsonParameters); var count = Object.keys(jsonParameters).length; console.log(count); // for(var k = 0; k < count; k++) { var obj = Object.keys(jsonParameters); var values = Object.values(jsonParameters); var voltage = 0; var currents = []; console.log(obj); for (var key in obj) { var value = obj[key]; console.log(key+":"+value); if(value.includes('voltage')) { voltage = values[key]; } else if(value.includes('current')) { } } } } function show_part_info(partID) { $.getJSON(rootURL + 'getpartinfo/' + partID, function(data) { $('img#map').attr('src', 'parts/map/' + data.type_id); $('#type-dropdown').empty(); $.getJSON('/getTypes', function(json) { $.each(json, function(type_id, type_name) { $('#type-dropdown').append(''); if (data.type_id == type_id) { $('table#details tr#type td p').text(text_filter(type_name)); // name is the type friendly name } }); $('#type-dropdown').val(data.type_id); }); $('table#details tr#partno td p').text(text_filter(data.partno)); $('table#details tr#partno td input').val(text_filter(data.partno)); $('table#details tr#description td p').text(text_filter(data.description)); $('table#details tr#description td input').val(text_filter(data.description)); $('table#details tr#notes td p').text(text_filter(data.notes)); $('input[name=notes-input]').val(text_filter(data.notes)); console.log(data.parameters); if(data.parameters != null) { var jsonParameters = JSON.parse(data.parameters); console.log(jsonParameters); var count = Object.keys(jsonParameters).length; console.log(count); // for(var k = 0; k < count; k++) { var obj = Object.keys(jsonParameters); var values = Object.values(jsonParameters); console.log(obj); for (var key in obj) { var value = obj[key]; console.log(key+":"+value); console.log($('table#details tr#'+value.substring(0,value.indexOf("-"))).children().length ); if(value.includes("input") && $('table#details tr#'+value.substring(0,value.indexOf("-"))).children().length == 0 ) { $('table#details').append('