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import cv2
import time
6 years ago
import serial
from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer
from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
from threading import Thread
6 years ago
import numpy as np
6 years ago
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(-1)
list_img = cv2.imread('list.jpg')
list_img = cv2.resize(list_img,None,fx=0.8, fy=0.8, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
target_w = 50
candy1_img = cv2.imread('candy1.jpg')
factor = target_w / candy1_img.shape[0]
candy1_img = cv2.resize(candy1_img,None,fx=factor, fy=factor, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
candy2_img = cv2.imread('candy2.jpg')
factor = target_w / candy2_img.shape[0]
candy2_img = cv2.resize(candy2_img,None,fx=factor, fy=factor, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
candy3_img = cv2.imread('candy3.jpg')
factor = target_w / candy3_img.shape[0]
candy3_img = cv2.resize(candy3_img,None,fx=factor, fy=factor, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
candy4_img = cv2.imread('candy4.jpg')
factor = target_w / candy4_img.shape[0]
candy4_img = cv2.resize(candy4_img,None,fx=factor, fy=factor, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
img_list = [candy1_img, candy2_img, candy3_img, candy4_img]
IMG_W = 1280
IMG_H = 720
rect_w = 220
rect_h = 52
weights_list = [37.0, 4.8, 8.8, 2.5]
6 years ago
serial = serial.Serial(ARDUPORT, 115200, timeout=1)
candy_stat = []
# s = {}
# s['img_idx'] = 0
# s['loaded'] = 0
# s['required'] = 4
# candy_stat.append(s)
# s = {}
# s['img_idx'] = 1
# s['loaded'] = 0
# s['required'] = 2
# candy_stat.append(s)
# s = {}
# s['img_idx'] = 2
# s['loaded'] = 0
# s['required'] = 6
# candy_stat.append(s)
# s = {}
# s['img_idx'] = 3
# s['loaded'] = 0
# s['required'] = 9
# candy_stat.append(s)
previous_weight = 0
def new_order(params):
global candy_stat
print ('Got order ')
candy_stat = params
return True
def async_server_megahack(server):
# Restrict to a particular path.
class RequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
rpc_paths = ('/RPC2',)
def check_endgame(params):
for s in candy_stat:
if s['required'] != s['loaded']:
return False
return True
def is_equal_with_tolerance(v1, v2, t):
return (v2 * (1-t) < v1) and (v2 * (1+t) > v1)
did_change = False
def check_weights(params, new_weight):
global previous_weight, did_change
weight_diff = new_weight - previous_weight
if weight_diff < 0.3:
elif not did_change:
did_change = True
for i in range(4):
if is_equal_with_tolerance(weight_diff, weights_list[i], 0.1):
params[i]['loaded'] += 1
previous_weight = new_weight
did_change = False
if did_change:
did_change = False
previous_weight = new_weight
def draw_rectangles(img, n):
for i in range(n):
cv2.rectangle(img, (IMG_W - 5 - rect_w,5 + (rect_h + 5)*i), (IMG_W - 5, 5 + (rect_h + 5)*i + rect_h), (255, 255, 255), -1)
def print_stats(img, stats):
# draw_rectangles(img, len(stats))
img[0:list_img.shape[0], IMG_W-list_img.shape[1]:IMG_W, :] = list_img[:]
for i in range(len(stats)):
6 years ago
cv2.putText(img,str(stats[i]['loaded']),(IMG_W - 130,188 + i * (rect_h + 5)), font, 1.3,(0, 0, 0),2,cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.putText(img,"/",(IMG_W - 90,188 + i * (rect_h + 5)), font, 1.3,(0, 0, 0),2,cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.putText(img,str(stats[i]['required']),(IMG_W - 50,188 + i * (rect_h + 5)), font, 1.3,(0, 0, 0),2,cv2.LINE_AA)
img[150+(rect_h + 5)*i:150+(rect_h + 5)*i + target_w, IMG_W-130-target_w-20:IMG_W-130-20, :] = img_list[stats[i]['img_idx']][:]
cv2.namedWindow("window", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
with SimpleXMLRPCServer(('localhost', 8000),
requestHandler=RequestHandler) as server:
t = Thread(target=async_server_megahack, args=(server,))
# serial.write(b'e')
# line = serial.readline()[:-2]
# print (line)
# weight = -float(line)
# previous_weight = weight
6 years ago
frame_counter = 0
weight = 0
canvas = np.zeros((720, 1280, 3)).astype(np.uint8)
while True:
6 years ago
frame_counter += 1
if frame_counter == 75:
weight = -float(serial.readline()[:-2])
6 years ago
frame_counter = 0
check_weights(candy_stat, weight)
if check_endgame(candy_stat):
candy_stat = []
# TODO: do funny gif
ret, frame =
6 years ago
frame = cv2.resize(frame,None,fx=1.5, fy=1.5, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
canvas[0:720, 0:960, :] = frame[:]
if (len(candy_stat) > 0):
print_stats(canvas, candy_stat)
6 years ago
cv2.imshow("window", canvas)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
# When everything done, release the capture