import random
import operator
import json
#from flask import Flask, Response, redirect, url_for, request, session, abort, render_template
#from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_required, login_user, logout_user
#app = Flask(__name__)
# config
# DEBUG = True,
# SECRET_KEY = 'secret_xxx'
configFileName = " kukconfig.json "
people = { }
class Person ( object ) :
global people
def __init__ ( self , name ) :
self . name = name
self . kukPoints = 0
self . password = ' '
people [ name ] = self
def fromFile ( self , name , kukPoints , password ) :
person = Person ( name )
person . kukPoints = kukPoints
person . password = password
def get ( name ) :
if name not in people :
people [ name ] = Person ( name )
return people [ name ]
def leaderboard ( ) :
leaderboard = [ ]
for name , person in people . iteritems ( ) :
entry = { }
entry [ ' name ' ] = name
entry [ ' score ' ] = person . kukPoints
leaderboard . append ( entry )
leaderboard . sort ( key = lambda tup : tup [ ' score ' ] , reverse = True )
return leaderboard
def serialized ( self ) :
return self . __dict__
mealHistory = { }
class Meal ( object ) :
global mealHistory
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . mid = ' '
self . kuk = ' '
self . eaters = [ ]
self . date = ' '
self . flavorText = ' '
self . accounted = " "
def fromFile ( self , mid , kuk , eaters , date , flavorText , accounted ) :
meal = Meal ( )
meal . mid = mid
meal . kuk = kuk
meal . eaters = eaters
meal . date = date
meal . flavorText = flavorText
meal . accounted = accounted
mealHistory [ meal . mid ] = meal
return meal
def new ( self , date ) :
meal = Meal ( )
meal . mid = self . getNextMID ( )
meal . date = date
meal . accounted = " no "
mealHistory [ meal . mid ] = meal
return meal
def account ( self ) :
if self . accounted != " no " :
return " ERROR! this meal has already been accounted for or is broken! "
self . accounted = " yes "
eaterCount = len ( self . eaters )
points = config [ ' points ' ] [ eaterCount ]
print " kuk {} clears {} points " . format ( self . kuk , points )
Person . get ( self . kuk ) . kukPoints - = points
for eater in self . eaters :
Person . get ( eater ) . kukPoints + = points / eaterCount
print " + {} gets {} points " . format ( eater , points / eaterCount )
def getNextMID ( ) :
if len ( mealHistory ) == 0 :
return 1
return max ( mealHistory . keys ( ) ) + 1
def serialized ( self ) :
return self . __dict__
def save ( ) :
with open ( config [ ' mealHistoryFile ' ] , ' w ' ) as outfile :
mealListJson = [ ]
for mid , meal in mealHistory . iteritems ( ) :
mealListJson . append ( meal . serialized ( ) )
json . dump ( mealListJson , outfile )
with open ( config [ ' peopleFile ' ] , ' w ' ) as outfile :
peopleJson = [ ]
for name , person in people . iteritems ( ) :
peopleJson . append ( person . serialized ( ) )
json . dump ( peopleJson , outfile )
def load ( ) :
mealHistory = { }
people = { }
try :
with open ( config [ ' mealHistoryFile ' ] , ' r ' ) as infile :
fileData = json . load ( infile )
except :
print " no meal history file! "
for meal in fileData :
Meal . fromFile ( meal [ ' mid ' ] , meal [ ' kuk ' ] , meal [ ' eaters ' ] , meal [ ' date ' ] , meal [ ' flavorText ' ] , meal [ ' accounted ' ] )
try :
with open ( config [ ' peopleFile ' ] , ' r ' ) as infile :
fileData = json . load ( infile )
except :
print " no people file! "
for person in fileData :
Person . fromFile ( person [ ' name ' ] , person [ ' kukPoints ' ] , person [ ' password ' ] )
kukPointTable = { }
# points[3] = 52
# points[4] = 69
# points[5] = 80
# points[6] = 90
# points[7] = 102
# points[8] = 112
# points[9] = 120
# points[10] = 135
newcommers = [ " Rick " , " Morty " , " Jerry " , " Mr Poopy Buthole " , " Karl Gustav VII " , " Erik " ]
day = 1
def newDay ( ) :
global day
important = [ ' delicious ' , ' fabulous ' , ' very tasty ' , ' good ' , ' very good ' , ' not bad at all ' , ' favorable ' , ' ok ' , ' nutritious ' , ' italian ' , ' mouth-watering ' , ' objectively pleasing ' , ' aromatic ' , ' something to write home about ' , ' probably digestible ' , ' edible ' , ' a complex blend of carbon-based chemistry ' , ' not sanitized " ); DROP TABLE MEALS;-- ' , ' not poisoned ' , ' of unknown origin ' , ' crunchy ' , ' finger-licking good ' , ' fantastic ' , ' the best one we had so far ' , ' fancy ' , ' extrordinary ' , ' pleasant ' ]
if len ( newcommers ) > 0 and random . random ( ) < 0.1 :
newbe = Person ( newcommers . pop ( ) )
newbe . attendanceRate = 0.2 + random . random ( ) * 0.8
print " ### NEW MEMBER ### "
print " !!! {} has joined the group !!! "
n_people = 0
while n_people < 3 :
attendees = [ ]
for name , person in people . iteritems ( ) :
if random . random ( ) < person . attendanceRate :
attendees . append ( name )
n_people = len ( attendees )
print " \n \n ===Day {} === " . format ( str ( day ) )
print " {} people comming: " . format ( str ( n_people ) )
print " " ,
for name in attendees :
print name + " , " ,
print " "
#selecting the kuk
cookies = [ v for k , v in people . iteritems ( ) if k in attendees ]
scookies = sorted ( cookies , key = operator . attrgetter ( ' kukPoints ' ) , reverse = True )
tied = [ ]
for person in scookies :
if person . kukPoints < scookies [ 0 ] . kukPoints :
tied . append ( person )
if len ( tied ) == 1 :
print " {} has the most points ( {} ) and is going to cook " . format ( tied [ 0 ] . name , str ( tied [ 0 ] . kukPoints ) )
kuk = tied [ 0 ]
else :
print " {} people are tied with {} points each " . format ( str ( len ( tied ) ) , str ( tied [ 0 ] . kukPoints ) )
print " " ,
for person in tied :
print person . name + " , " ,
print " "
kuk = random . choice ( tied )
print " {} was selected at random and is going to cook " . format ( kuk . name )
cookies . remove ( kuk )
#kuking and points
m = Meal . new ( day ) ;
m . kuk = kuk . name
reward = points [ n_people ]
payment = points [ n_people ] / ( n_people - 1 )
kuk . kukPoints - = reward
kuk . kukMealCount + = 1
kuk . kukServingCount + = n_people
kuk . eatenCount + = 1
for cookie in cookies :
cookie . kukPoints + = payment
cookie . eatenCount + = 1
m . eaters . append ( cookie . name )
print " "
print " {} cooked for {} people and cleared {} KukPoints " . format ( kuk . name , n_people , reward )
print " {} people gained {} KukPoints each " . format ( n_people - 1 , payment )
print " The meal was {} ! " . format ( random . choice ( important [ : day ] ) )
day = day + 1
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
try :
with open ( configFileName , ' r ' ) as configFile :
config = json . load ( configFile )
except IOError :
print " Config file not found! Loading defaults "
config = { }
config [ ' ip ' ] = ' '
config [ ' port ' ] = 5000
config [ ' debug ' ] = True
config [ ' mealHistoryFile ' ] = " MealHistory.json "
config [ ' peopleFile ' ] = " People.json "
# Person('Davide')
# Person('Marek')
# Person('Sven')
# Person('Wille')
# Person('Ahmed')
# Person('David')
# m ='8-10-2017')
# m.kuk = 'Marek'
# m.eaters.append('Davide')
# m.eaters.append('Sven')
# m.eaters.append('Wille')