import random
import operator
import json
from flask import Flask, Response, redirect, url_for, request, session, abort, render_template
from flask_login import LoginManager, UserMixin, login_required, login_user, logout_user
app = Flask(__name__)
DEBUG = True,
SECRET_KEY = 'secret_xxx'
configFileName = "kukconfig.json"
people = {}
class Person(UserMixin):
global people
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.kukPoints = 0
self.password = ''
people[name] = self
def fromFile(self, name, kukPoints, password):
person = Person(name)
person.kukPoints = kukPoints
person.password = password
def get(name):
if name not in people:
people[name] = Person(name)
return people[name]
def leaderboard():
leaderboard = []
for name,person in people.iteritems():
entry = {}
entry['name'] = name
entry['score'] = person.kukPoints
leaderboard.sort(key=lambda tup : tup['score'], reverse = True)
return leaderboard
def serialized(self):
return self.__dict__
mealHistory = {}
class Meal(object):
global mealHistory
def __init__(self):
self.mid = ''
self.kuk = ''
self.eaters = []
self.date = ''
self.flavorText = ''
self.accounted = ""
def fromFile(self, mid, kuk, eaters, date, flavorText, accounted):
meal = Meal()
meal.mid = mid
meal.kuk = kuk
meal.eaters = eaters
meal.date = date
meal.flavorText = flavorText
meal.accounted = accounted
mealHistory[meal.mid] = meal
return meal
def new(self, date):
meal = Meal()
meal.mid = self.getNextMID()
meal.date = date
meal.accounted = "no"
mealHistory[meal.mid] = meal
return meal
def account(self):
if self.accounted != "no":
return "ERROR! this meal has already been accounted for or is broken!"
self.accounted = "yes"
eaterCount = len(self.eaters)
points = config['points'][eaterCount]
print "kuk {} clears {} points".format(self.kuk, points)
Person.get(self.kuk).kukPoints -= points
for eater in self.eaters:
Person.get(eater).kukPoints += points / eaterCount
print "+{} gets {} points ".format(eater, points / eaterCount)
def getNextMID():
if len(mealHistory) == 0:
return 1
return max(mealHistory.keys())+1
def serialized(self):
return self.__dict__
def save():
with open(config['mealHistoryFile'], 'w') as outfile:
mealListJson = []
for mid,meal in mealHistory.iteritems():
json.dump(mealListJson, outfile)
with open(config['peopleFile'], 'w') as outfile:
peopleJson = []
for name,person in people.iteritems():
json.dump(peopleJson, outfile)
def load():
mealHistory = {}
people = {}
with open(config['mealHistoryFile'], 'r') as infile:
fileData = json.load(infile)
print "no meal history file!"
for meal in fileData:
Meal.fromFile(meal['mid'], meal['kuk'], meal['eaters'], meal['date'], meal['flavorText'], meal['accounted'])
with open(config['peopleFile'], 'r') as infile:
fileData = json.load(infile)
print "no people file!"
for person in fileData:
Person.fromFile(person['name'], person['kukPoints'], person['password'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open (configFileName, 'r') as configFile:
config = json.load(configFile)
except IOError:
print "Config file not found! Loading defaults"
config = {}
config['ip'] = ''
config['port'] = 5000
config['debug'] = True
config['mealHistoryFile'] = "MealHistory.json"
config['peopleFile'] = "People.json"