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# What is it?
Git-Auto-Deploy consists of a small HTTP server that listens for Webhook requests sent from GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket servers. This application allows you to continuously and automatically deploy your projects each time you push new commits to your repository.</p>
# How does it work?
When commits are pushed to your Git repository, the Git server will notify ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` by sending an HTTP POST request with a JSON body to a pre-configured URL (your-host:8001). The JSON body contains detailed information about the repository and what event that triggered the request. ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` parses and validates the request, and if all goes well it issues a ```git pull```.
Additionally, ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` can be configured to execute a shell command upon each successful ```git pull```, which can be used to trigger custom build actions or test scripts.</p>
# Getting started
You can install ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` in multiple ways. Below are instructions for the most common methods.
## Install from PPA (recommended for Ubuntu systems)
[Using Debian? Have a look at this answer for instructions.](
Add our PPA repository.
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:olipo186/git-auto-deploy
sudo apt-get update
Install ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` using apt.
sudo apt-get install git-auto-deploy
Modify the configuration file to match your project setup. [Read more about the configuration options](./docs/
nano /etc/git-auto-deploy.conf.json
Optional: Copy any private SSH key you wish to use to the home directory of GAD.
sudo cp /path/to/id_rsa /etc/git-auto-deploy/.ssh/
sudo chown -R git-auto-deploy:git-auto-deploy /etc/git-auto-deploy
Start ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` and check it's status.
service git-auto-deploy start
service git-auto-deploy status
## Install from repository (recommended for other systems)
When installing ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` from the repository, you'll need to make sure that Python (tested on version 2.7) and Git (tested on version 2.5.0) is installed on your system.
Clone the repository.
git clone
Install the dependencies with [pip](, a package manager for Python, by running the following command.
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you don't have pip installed, try installing it by running this from the command
curl | python
Copy of the sample config and modify it. [Read more about the configuration options](./docs/ Make sure that ```pidfilepath``` is writable for the user running the script, as well as all paths configured for your repositories.
cd Git-Auto-Deploy
cp config.json.sample config.json
Start ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` manually using;
python -m gitautodeploy --config config.json
To start ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` automatically on boot, open crontab in edit mode using ```crontab -e``` and add the entry below.
@reboot /usr/bin/python -m /path/to/Git-Auto-Deploy/gitautodeploy --daemon-mode --quiet --config /path/to/git-auto-deploy.conf.json
You can also configure ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` to start on boot using an init.d-script (for Debian and Sys-V like init systems) or a service for systemd.[Read more about starting Git-Auto-Deploy automatically using init.d or systemd](./docs/
## Install and run GAD under Windows
GAD runs under Windows but requires some requisites.
1. Install Python 2.7 using the [Windows installer](
2. Verify that Python is added to your [system PATH]( Make sure ``C:\Python27`` and ``C:\Python27\Scripts`` is part of the PATH system environment variable.
3. Install pip using the [```` script](
4. Install Git using the [official Git build for Windows](
5. Verify that Git is added to your [system PATH]( Make sure that ```C:\Program Files\Git\cmd``` is added (should have been added automatically by the installer) as well as ```C:\Program Files\Git\bin``` (*not* added by default).
6. Continue with the above instructions for [installing GAD from the repository](#install-from-repository-recommended-for-other-systems)
## Alternative installation methods
* [Install as a python module (experimental)](./docs/
* [Install as a debian package (experimental)](./docs/
* [Start automatically on boot (init.d and systemd)](./docs/
## Command line options
Below is a summarized list of the most common command line options. For a full list of available command line options, invoke the application with the argument ```--help``` or read the documentation article about [all available command line options, environment variables and config attributes](./docs/
Command line option | Environment variable | Config attribute | Description
---------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------- | --------------------------
--daemon-mode (-d) | GAD_DAEMON_MODE | | Run in background (daemon mode)
--quiet (-q) | GAD_QUIET | | Supress console output
--config (-c) <path> | GAD_CONFIG | | Custom configuration file
--pid-file <path> | GAD_PID_FILE | pidfilepath | Specify a custom pid file
--log-file <path> | GAD_LOG_FILE | logfilepath | Specify a log file
--host <host> | GAD_HOST | host | Address to bind to
--port <port> | GAD_PORT | port | Port to bind to
## Getting webhooks from git
To make your git provider send notifications to ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` you will need to provide the hostname and port for your ```Git-Auto-Deploy``` instance. Instructions for the most common git providers is listed below.
1. Go to your repository -> Settings -> Webhooks and Services -> Add webhook</li>
2. In "Payload URL", enter your hostname and port (your-host:8001)
3. Hit "Add webhook"
1. Go to your repository -> Settings -> Web hooks
2. In "URL", enter your hostname and port (your-host:8001)
3. Hit "Add Web Hook"
1. Go to your repository -> Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook
2. In "URL", enter your hostname and port (your-host:8001)
3. Hit "Save"
# More documentation
[Have a look in the *docs* directory](./docs), where you'll find more detailed documentation on configurations, alternative installation methods, and example workflows.